Westman Jams

You may have noticed that this site has not been up dated recently. That is because Westman Jams no longer utilizes this web page as it’s official web site. If you want the latest information on the activities of the Westman Jams, you will want to check out the following address…

This page, however, will remain in place, as long as it can, to offer what resources that it currently has. KEEP IN MIND that it is not being maintained or updated so any links for articles, or graphics, that change on the net will result in gaps in the content on this site. As I am no longer editing this site I will not be repairing these things.

Now, with all of that said, I HAVE created another website called ROOTS MUSIC which has, pretty much, all of the resources found on this page and much more recent articles, items and tutorials. This page is NOT affiliated to Westman Jams, but does contain most of the articles and photo albums I posted here, while I was editor. As I AM still editing that page it’s links are being maintained to the best of my ability. Anything that you would have found here, but for one reason or another can no longer access, can be accessed on my new web page.

So why not click the banner link below and come on down to ROOTS MUSIC. We’re up and running and chock-a-block full of useful things that the amateur musicians and singers would enjoy. This is your invitation. Come visit us now. As always, we are completely free and no membership is required to access of resources.

I’m so glad we had this time together…

The time has come for me to lay down my pen and set aside my typewriter and step away to make room for some new blood. As the editor for the Westman Jams web site I have experienced some wonderful adventures just figuring out how everything worked and putting a website together from scratch. I took an already existing platform and remade it anew, following it’s basic format but trying out some new ideas of my own as well. To say that it wasn’t a little scary, because I had no idea what to expect at first, would be an outright lie but it turned out to be a very educational and fascinating journey and I am glad that I took the task on.

Now, however, I think it is time for someone with another perspective to take over the helm and try out his or her ideas. The site has begun to show the signs of becoming stale and in need of a breath of change. What is needed here is a new perspective and a fresh injection of creativity. I have been thinking that it was time to step down for a while now. With the summer break fast coming upon us there is a extended period of inactivity for others to consider who shall replace me. Thus I am confident that by the beginning of September, Westman Jams will have someone in place to take hold of the wheel and steer the website off into the future.

I would like all of you to consider the exciting possibility of editing a web site. The foundations have been laid down and the basic platform already exists so you don’t have to create this site from scratch, as I did. All you have to do is update the notifications, and create, or locate content from elsewhere on the internet and post it on the website. I will be more than willing to help the new editor get started and answer any questions that I can. You do NOT have to be a machine language programmer to do this. I certainly wasn’t. All you need is a computer and an internet connection, some time and a willingness to try something new. I know that I am making it sound easy but it is really not as hard as you may be imagining. Add to that, the reward of looking over a finished article or update and knowing that YOU did that! Trust me. I know what a boost that can give the spirit. So how about it? Would you like the title, Web-Master? You can do it you know. Certainly somebody will have to. Why NOT you?

If you would like to know what is involved contact Dan Finn at dfocus@goinet.ca or Amy McAlpine at amytw@gmial.com . I know that they will be glad to hear from you.

Also I am stepping down as the editor of the Jamm’n Times news letter. This is a post that I was not very good at anyway. This position requires someone who is easy going and has a gift for the gab and keeps in the loop about what is going on in the jamming community. You do NOT have to be a Jammer to fill either of these positions. If you attend the jams on a regular basis and have a grasp of what might be interesting to musicians then I am sure that you will have no shortage of things to write about. At any rate, if you think that you might like to take on this important position, please contact the above mentioned folks and let them know. Ask them any questions about the job that you would like.
As a jammer and an editor, I have enjoyed my many years of activity with the Westman Jams. I have made many, wonderful friends and I look forward to maintaining my acquaintances with you folks. It has been a pleasure to play music with, and for, you and I hope to have many opportunities to sit down and play with as many of you as I can in the future. Recent events have brought my participation in the jams to an end, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t always be eager to accept an invitation to play with my old friends from the Jam. I wish you all many great jams and I am sure that I will be seeing you some where down the line. Have a GREAT summer!

Your friend and fellow musician;
Elger Heath, (the Chairman)…….

Below are the information posters for the three regular jams held, monthly, by the Westman Jams organization. All the details you need to determine when and where  a jam will take place are included in these posters. Check them out!

The Royal Canadian Legion Jam

The Coffee House Jam

The End of Month Jam

The MacGregor Senior Dropin’ Center Jam

Here’s a regular Jam that takes place, once a month in MacGregor, Manitoba on the 3rd Friday of each month. Check out the information in the poster below.

If you are in the MacGregor Area, check this Jam out.


Nobody, TODAY?

Gonzo the Great, accompanied by Ralph the Dog
Another classic, brought to you by those musical geniuses of the Muppet Show.

seperationrWelcome Pickers, Grinners, and Music Fans to Our Web Site!

 We hope your visit will be enjoyable and informative. Check out our “Jam Talk” page and drop us a line or a comment or two. You won’t see your comments right away unless you have been pre-approved to do so. The site is periodically updated. Upon verifying your comments I will remove the spam filter so you can use it at will. The Events & Jams tabs are updated as often as we are notified of the various music venues taking place in Manitoba or Saskatchewan. This is a free service so keep us informed and we will be happy to post your event.

Our bottom line goal is to keep our local live music alive and well in our area. So c’mon out to Spruce Woods the last Sunday of each month and bring your music with you. We’d love to see ya…

Here’s a map to find your way to Sprucewoods, coming from Brandon Manitoba or the surrounding area. (Click on the map to enlarge it.)
Roots Music | Anything and everything that I can think of, dealing with music will be here if I can figure a way to put it on a web site.

Here’s a map so’s you can find your way around SpruceWoods. (Click on the map to enlarge it.)  If you would like to join us in our jams or would just like more information call Wayne at (204) 834-2130 or any of the executive listed on the executive page under “Members”. ________________________________________________________________


It’s free and easy…

Here are the requirements: Westman Jams does not pay rent for the venue: i.e The hall/auditorium/ must be donated. There is NO charge for admission at the door. Westman Jams takes a silver collection Your town can put on a supper to raise money. Most of the Jammers will participate and buy a ticket. If you would like arrange a jam in your community call Wayne at (204) 834-2130 or any of the executive listed on the executive page under “Members”.


The Canadian Northern Lights are a group of Motorhome enthusiasts from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota that get together approximately once a month to enjoy fellowship and fun. On the weekend of May 26 to 29, 2016 we enjoyed the hospitality of Carberry, Manitoba.

Occasionally we enjoy live entertainment. It was arranged that a club called the Westman Jammers would try to bring together some members and play some old time music for us to enjoy. We ended up with 15 players, singers and family members that joined us for an evening of good music and dancing. They travelled from different parts of the province to get together. The music and dancing lasted a full two hours and it was apparent that they truly enjoyed what they were doing.

I would like to pass on a big thank you from the Canadian Northern Lights to Wayne and all the Westman Jammers that joined us that night to give us an evening of entertainment that will be remembered and talked about for some time to come.

Vice President

Bryan Paqui